Tuesday, 06 November 2012

Ultimate 7-Day Detox Package

Colon Hydrotherapy is a non-medical procedure in which a trained therapist washes away impacted and putrefying waste from the colon with micro filtered temperature controlled water. The water is introduced into the rectum with a speculum with gravitational pressure.
The 26 feet of the digestive system keeps us young, strong and energetic. It is where nutrients are extracted and absorbed, lending life and good health to the entire body. Unfortunately this system is also the most abused- our diets being high in bread, wheat, dairy, meat, sweets, chocolates and fast fried and fatty foods. Over time these foods contribute to a sluggish and inefficient digestion and elimination of toxins and waste from the body.
When toxins and waste accumulate, due to poor digestion, the window is open for them to be reabsorbed into the blood stream and the organs of our bodies (called “autointoxication”).It is thought to be the impetus for many problems including fatigue, gas, bloating, poor skin, brain fog and low blood sugar.

What is the Ultimate 7-Day Detox Package?
It is an adapted version of the famous Dr. Bernard Jensen programme. During the programme clients fast for a total of 7 days on fruit juices and focused supplementation while receiving Colon Hydrotherapy treatments. During the fast one’s blood sugar is perfectly balanced keeping hunger to a minimum. The result is a completely detoxified and rejuvenated body, leaving you full of energy and experienced health like never before.
What is the fasting procedure?
Clients book an appointment where medical history is taken and supplements for the fast is supplied and the procedure is explained. You will begin the fast on a Sunday morning and continue fasting until Friday. You will spend an average of an hour in the Wellness Centre each day- appointments will be arranged at your convenience.
Won’t good bacteria be washed away?
Bacteria regenerate at a rate of 3 billion per second, therefore most of the bacteria washed away regenerate very quickly. However, you will be given oral bacteria supplements to maintain a healthy balance.
Will I be able to work during my fast?
We encourage you to continue life as normal. As you continue your fast, you will find you have more energy than ever before.

What are colonics and why are they necessary?
The practice of colon hydrotherapy involves the gentle bathing of the colon with warm water, through the use of low-pressure water created mechanically or by gravity and conducted through the assistance of a nurse professionally trained in colon hydrotherapy. The health benefits are far reaching and numerous.
Is the procedure painful?
While some people do experience mild diarrhea-like cramps, most people experience no discomfort whatsoever.
Will I be hungry during the fast?
Absolutely not- the vast majority of clients receive better nutrition during their fast than in their normal lives.
How much weight can I expect to lose?
The average is between 3 and 5kgs. However, increased digestive function after the Detox Programme often leads to our clients achieving their goal  weights.

The benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy are numerous, but the most prominent are:
* The colon is cleansed of toxic material
* The colon muscles are exercised
* The colon is reshaped for optimum functioning
* Reflex points in the colon are stimulated*
*Restoring proper pH balance to the body
* Promoting weight loss
*Improves mental awareness and vigour

Detox and wellness centre
Suite N101b
Thrupps Illovo Centre
204 Oxford road, Illovo

  For more information you can also visit us on : http://www.localspots.co.za/health-synergy/

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