Article courtesy of Health Synergy
The benefits of a steam sauna on the immune system and disease processes have been well documented. In addition to being relaxing and soothing, a sauna and the accompanying induced hyperthermia on the body, mimics the beneficial effects of a fever, without the discomfort. Although the effects of this artificial method of increasing the body temperature are not as comprehensive as a natural fever, there are definite system wide effects.
Apart from the immune system-stimulating effects of sweat therapy, many thought it as one of the most effective and painless detoxifying treatments available. It is estimated that as much as 30% of bodily wastes are eliminated by way of perspiration, and during a steam sauna, the body perspires profusely. By adding ozone into this environment, the ozone is easily absorbed into the skin and lymphatic system because of the open pores.
The sauna used for this treatment is of the type where the individual's head protrudes from the top of the sauna, and the individual is therefore not breathing the ozone / steam mixture. Breathing in excessively high concentrations of Ozone can be dangerous and can cause tightness of the chest and coughing, easily remedied by drinking orange juice or taking a large dose of Vitamin C.
Using the steam sauna is one of the most popular methods of taking advantage
ozone therapy. The steam sauna ozone system for applying ozone has many
• It is a relaxing and non-invasive approach to ozone therapy
• It cleanses the skin, pores, and lymphatic system
• The user will take advantage of 2 therapies at the same time: sweat therapy and
ozone therapy (both individually with their own health benefits)
Steam therapy is known to:
• Dramatically increase oxygenation of
the tissues and cells
• Increase the White blood cell count
• Increase circulation, oxygen and
nutrient delivery within the body
• Burn 400-600 calories per session
• Increase Tumor Necrosis Factor by up to
500 times
• Purge the body of accumulated toxins
such as pesticides, PCBs, drug residues
and acidic wastes.

• Stimulate the immune system
• Kill bacteria and viruses
• Relax and loosen sore muscles
Ozone therapy is known to:
• Stimulate the production of white blood cells, which
are necessary to fight infection
• Ozone and hydrogen peroxide are anti-virucidal
• Increases oxygen and haemoglobin dissociation , thus,
increasing the delivery of oxygen from the blood to
the cells
• Ozone and hydrogen peroxide are anti-neoplastic,
which means that they inhibit the growth of new
tissues like tumors
• Ozone oxidises and degrades petrochemicals.
Ozone Therapy
• Increases the production of interferon and Tumor
Necrosis factor, which the body uses to fight infections
and cancers
• Increases the efficiency of the anti-oxidant enzyme
system, which scavenges free radicals in the body
• Accelerates the Citric Acid Cycle, which is the main cycle
for the liberation of energy from sugars. This then
stimulates basic metabolism. It also breaks down
proteins, carbohydrates and fats to be used as energy
• Increases tissue oxygenation, bringing about overall
• Relaxes and loosens muscles by reducing the build-up of
lactic acid and increasing muscle flexibility
• Oxidises toxins so they can be eliminated through skin,
lungs, kidneys and colon
• Boosts circulation, helping injured muscles to repair
• Stimulates vasodilatation of peripheral blood vessels
relieving pain and speeding up the healing process
• Speeds up the metabolic processes of the inner organs
and endocrine glands resulting in a loss of 200-450
calories in a 30 minute session.
Far Infrared Therapy is known to:
• Expand capillaries which stimulate increased blood
flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygenation.
• promotes elimination of fats, chemicals and toxins from
the blood
• stimulates enzyme activity and metabolism
• promotes the killing of many pathogenic (disease
causing) bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites
• promotes rebuilding of injured tissue
• relieves nervous tension and relax autoneuro muscles
• strengthens the Immune System
• strengthens the Cardiovascular System by causing heart
rate and cardiac output increase, and diastolic blood
pressure decrease

Article courtesy of Health Synergy
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